Saturday, October 17, 2020

Is there an End to Life?

 We speak about lives, living one life, living another life, as though all of our lives were like beads on a string and placed in sequence in time along the string.   So I've experienced some lives, and not others.

Since some mystics know that there is no time, in the grand sense, that perspective is not real, but a construct of our human view that yesterday came before today, and tomorrow has not yet come. 

I will experience that tomorrow.

Whether we know it or not we live in the spacious now.  According some Seth writings, time is a side effect of having the kind of nervous system we have.  Axon and dendrites, and gaps between neurons that must be surmounted.

Time is an illusion of living, and gives us a sense of moment to moment experience.  For the body there was a first moment, when we became conscious enough to know we were here.  There will be a last moment before we fall apart when we will stop sensing this life.

I had a vision once, of being in a box, I was an electrical field in the box, and it was possible for me to look at what seemed to be a concrete enclosure with utter calm.  I think that's what we really are, electrical creatures who have a capacity to imagine with nothing to interfere with our concentration.

I don't know if there are more boxes, but I would assume that there are, since, from the shape of the box, it looked as though these could be stacked, and side by side.   I can't say where, and the idea that we would be captured clouds of electrical fluff begs the question:  how did we get here?

I've come across references to "the cave" in writings about mystical experiences.  Sigrid who was deep into mystical things talked about it, and I would think the box fits the description.  

Maybe it is considered a mystical milestone. 

And a milestone implies that we are back to sequenced time.  

There was a moment before the milestone, and a moment after. 

I think the box has been there since forever. 

I am in the box, and I have no corporeal body to worry about, so I will live forever, and dream forever.