Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Reviewing my Options

A number of year ago, I had the pleasure of dying for a brief moment.  It showed me that death does not end life.

It was obvious that death does not end life, but I had strongly suspected that earlier when I had decided to die, and was presented with thumbnail sketches of lives that I could move into. 

Compassion got the better of me and I decided to live.

It turns out that death is as strange as life.  What disturbs me just a bit is that from time to time I am being given choices again.  It's as though my supervisor is dangling options in front of me:  

"Do you want this one?"

This is a little scary because I was planning to stay around for at least a few years because I don't want to let my wife have disturbing nights without me, and I think my brothers would not like my being the first to leave. 

What happens if an option comes along that I really like?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Today and Tomorrow

I was looking at my bookshelf and noticed how old some of my books were.   I think the information is good, but they might not be available for people to read unless they know which authors to look for.

Jane Roberts who channeled an entity called Seth, produced over half a dozen books of which I would recommend "The Seth Material", "Seth Speaks" and "The Nature of Personal Reality".   Others are worth reading as well, but we only have so much time.

Seth talks about ideas, and how beliefs and ideas hold the key to what kind of a world and world view we have as individuals.  He provides methods for changing beliefs and substituting new beliefs that are more helpful.  

Regardless of your position is society, you can improve yourself.  He gives directions for how to alter your personal reality so that it is better.  What you are in the world is influenced by your belief system, because you do not have just one belief about things, you have a number of beliefs that work together.  He tells you how to change them. 

Although I had a substantial amount of talent, I was not able to succeed until I learned how to imagine what I wanted and who I was.  I held myself back.

Our own minds keep us chained down and we are not free because we think we need to keep ideas that do not help us.

I would like to also point you to "Journeys Out of the Body" by Robert A Monroe, which is the story of somebody who awoke one day outside of his body.  Monroe experienced what could be called spontaneous astral projection.  It is without question that he saw interesting things.

When you first come upon the Earth while on the astral plane, it is covered in clouds, and this appears to be a byproduct of the souls here.  Getting into a body is helped along by a dispatcher, who can get you into a body.   

AA as the author calls himself when he first arrives,  has a series of trying lives.

My take away is that a person has to be specific about what he wants in a life.  

When you arrive at the Earth, your astral body vibrates at a specific frequency, and since the astral plane contains beings with different frequencies, who you can see depends on where you are on the spectrum.

Lower frequencies tend to promote more problematic adventures.

Next on the list of favorite books  is "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton, PH D.

Dr Newton was a therapist, and one day when regressing a patient to an earlier age stumbled upon not only their past life, but the period  between lives.   He had a conservative nature, and didn't believe in either.   He did this with a handful of patients, and we see a bit more of a set of people who have guides who help them pick lives that will be positive for them. We see more of the activity that souls are engaged in between lives, and we might say that they have a life there and then have a life here.

A couple of things to note about "Journeys" and it's sequel, "Destiny of Souls", outside our own human existence, there is no time, and Dr Newton has a description of how souls of different frequencies look.  The spectrum of light and the frequencies of soul are the same, at the bottom is red and at the top is blue and violet.

Normally, our perspective is that the external world is real, and there's only one of them, and we are multiple individuals with our own thoughts, etcetera. Our brains create the illusion of consciousness.

Real life is external to us.

According to my understanding of Seth, that alter ego of Jane Roberts, each of us is real, and our experience of a particular place in the world is in our own universe.

But beyond our particular vision, there is no common concrete world; there is the illusion of one. 

We interpret a particular "feeling tone" as reality. 

According to Seth, one entity is coordinating all the communication that creates the world. 

Individually, each of us is an electrical field, which materializes the face of a reality below the microsecond level, and switches from one reality to another such that we experience each as a separate reality although multiple realities exist within us at any particular time.

All our many lives are occurring at the same time.

We multiplex, which means we multi process each life in sequence so that one second we are here, and in another second off on what seems a different world perhaps in the past or future.

I think I'll have a number of lives on Mars after it is Terra Formed.

I like to think that there is a "Grand Imagination" that comes up with things, but that is just a metaphor of the product the joint minds at work churning up a reality.

Constantly coming out with surprises. 

We like to think that there is a "God" outside of us, and there are Gods, but if this is the model that we use to describe our situation, then there is no place for any external power, because we are in reality the controlling entity.

But life is like a game of chess in that it has rules, players, and you may find yourself in opposition to some, while some are on your team.  Unless you are very old, someone else did the work in the creation of your world. 

Some of us are very old.  Our race isn't that old, but our souls are very old.  Some of us only came here recently, others have been here millennia.

Others of us have been here since way before the seas rose, when men were substantially different.         

Experience helps, and we all change over time, but the key thing beyond the individual body is that there is not time.  As a person you have today, and next week; but as a soul you can decide to be born in the previous century.  Once you leave your body, you exist in a timeless Sea, that extends in infinite directions future and past.  You can go and live where you want. 

But you have to know that it's possible.