Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Contemplating the Moment of Transition

I've often thought of my coming death. It could be ten years, or less or more.  I can't be here in twenty years, and I'm not sure such great age is desirable. 

Even though it seems we pass from life to life, the thing you are part of is simply orders larger than you. 

So you don't die but you change into something else. Each and every life is just an imagined thing, and when it's over you just go on to something else.  Which may or may not be another life.  

I had a dream where I was a man much like me in Ancient Egypt. I had the same sense that I wanted to go somewhere else, even though as far as I knew at the time, civilization ended at the border.

I'm the same person. 

Once you pull your focus away from your life, you are in a place that seems to be missing the element of time.  This is widely reported in by people who experience near death.   

I had quite the number of dreams where I would experience someone's death, and about half a dozen times it was someone I knew.  Yes, they died.

Sometimes, I would be somebody who had just died. That actually happened twice, once with a woman who was a former boss, the other time was when my nephew died.

How can I connect with somebody's disembodied consciousness?

I don't think the interesting things in the world are amenable to scientific materialism.




Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Contemplating Thought Forms and Feeling

I've "seen" thought forms, if that's the right word.  It was a different kind of sight.  Black clouds of goop when someone disproves, a gray cloud refracted though the egg shaped layer of someone's aura.  I've seen bits of things I've sent into people's minds. 

And those small thought forms that indicate a future course of action.

I zapped a fiend's thought form once, and it reformed.

It would be easy to think of thought forms as having an emotional component.  But they're not mechanical things that we can take apart to examine the pieces.   Thought forms are part of us, they are an extension of us.  Of our minds, and they carry our markers and disposition.  

Thought forms derive from our consciousness, and are active.  The can act at a distance from us.  Like an emotional and psychic secretion, or more correctly, excretion, they move out into the world and do their job.

Basically what we want them to do.  Although most of us don't know that they exist.

When you think about someone, with emotion, a thought form goes to them.  If it's love, it might be protective, resentment and anger also have effects.  And if we don't say anything to someone we don't like, we feel no sense of guilt for what we've done.

We don't know we did anything.

We're oddly telepathic, in the sense that we pick up on other people's thoughts without knowing it. We digest thought forms.  Sometimes they give us indigestion.  

Especially when they come from someone who doesn't like us.

We engineer our circumstance with thought forms and cast them like a net, like a fisherman with a line with hook and bait, or like a champion casting a discus at a target.

We give them direction, and power them with our emotions.

We plan, we desire, we search for, we need. And all these things create though forms.  If you do it right, not thinking you can't, being persistent over a long time and not being needy about the object of your interest.

Do you remember what if felt like to be grateful?

Can you feel grateful about something before it's evident in your life?

Contemplate the emotion that would come from some broad circumstance you want to create, perhaps the sense that you have friends around you, or someone you love. 

The sense and the thing aren't as separable as they seem.  And meandering though the sense of something brings it closer.

Even it's not apparent.